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Succeeding in Value Communication: Introduction

Drawn from the experiences of the BaseCase Consulting Team, this is the introduction to ‘Succeeding in Value Communication’. This series of blog articles examines the key success factors in creating customer engagement tools that effectively communicate the clinical value and economic benefits of pharmaceuticals, medical devices, and diagnostic tests. How do you communicate the value … Continued

Getting started with in-house development: storyboarding

Introducing our three-part blog series on getting started with in-house development. In this series, we’re detailing some key aspects of how you can create and deploy your own mobile apps, for the purposes of stakeholder engagement and value communication, in-house—without the help of external agencies. Developing mobile apps in-house is increasingly popular compared to outsourced … Continued

Getting started with in-house development: how does it work?

Introducing our three-part blog series on getting started with in-house development. In this series, we’re detailing some key aspects of how you can create and deploy your own mobile apps, for the purposes of stakeholder engagement and value communication, in-house—without the help of external agencies. Developing mobile apps in-house is increasingly popular compared to outsourced … Continued

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