Phoenix WinNonlin
Phoenix WinNonlin™ Software
약동학/약력학(PK/PD) 분석의 업계 표준
Save Time with Integrated Tools
데이터 처리, 그래프 및 차트 작성, 보고서 생성, 규정 준수를 위한 Phoenix WinNonlin™의 통합 도구는 효율적인 올인원 협업 워크벤치를 생성합니다.
Phoenix WinNonlin은 30년 동안의 입증된 역사가 있는 비구획 분석(non-compartmental analysis, NCA), 약동학/약력학(pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic, PK/PD) 및 독성동태학(toxicokinetic, TK) 모델링을 위한 업계 표준입니다.
미국 FDA(Food and Drug Administration), 일본 의약품의료기기종합기구(Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Agency, PMDA), 중국 식품의약국(China Food and Drug Administration, CFDA), 영국 의약품 및 보건의료제품규제청(Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency, MHRA)을 포함한 규제 당국 모두는 Phoenix WinNonlin을 사용하여 신약 제출 데이터를 평가합니다.
How PK scientists benefit from Phoenix WinNonlin
Saves time and improves workflows across the organization
Increases productivity by reusing workflows across multiple projects and analyses
Ensures compliance with US FDA regulations through best-in-class validation suite technology
Minimizes post-processing work and increases transparency with analysis
Eliminates time-consuming analyst work or need for a data programmer
Reduces manual work through automated calculations
Download the New Phoenix 8.5.2
Phoenix version 8.5.2 offers many enhancements to its tables and plots, including contextual footnotes, more configurable graph legends and axis labels, improved splitting of tables across pages, and box plot filters.
A new code block in the graphical model editor now facilitates easier implementation of Sequence statements for NLME modelers, alongside enhancements such as additional diagnostic plots, and improved ODE solving and QRPEM calculation.
Version 8.5.2 will also provide Windows 11 support and a new licensing system via Certara Cloud.
The WinNonlin NCA Engine Can Do It All
Phoenix WinNonlin takes non-compartmental analysis (NCA) to a new level by adding many commonly calculated NCA parameters to the standard output, providing the ability to define custom NCA parameters, business rules for calculating the terminal slope, and acceptance flags based on terminal slope quality assessments.
From early non-clinical research to large clinical trials, the NCA engine can be used for a wide-range of studies and analyses:
- Bioequivalence and Bioavailability Studies
- Dose-Proportionality Studies
- Drug Interaction Studies
- Toxicokinetics
- Clinical Pharmacology Studies
- Special Population Studies
직관적인 데이터세트 준비
Efficiently import SDTM-formatted datasets using WinNonlin’s straightforward interface, preparing them for analysis with ease.
The Phoenix workflow ensures thorough tracking of data from import to final analysis, preventing data loss and eliminating the need for costly re-analysis. This process not only streamlines your research process but also enhances data integrity and reliability of your findings.
Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Data Analysis
Certara is proud to offer a golden opportunity for learners and experts in pharmacokinetics & pharmacodynamics! Prof Johan Gabrielsson’s standard book will be available FREE of charge!
사용자 친화적인 그래픽 엔진 및 표 생성기
Phoenix WinNonlin의 통합 그래픽 엔진은 출판 품질의 플롯, 그림 및 표를 자동으로 생성하여 표준화된 PK/PD 보고서를 생성합니다.
Phoenix 플랫폼의 차트 작성 기능은 오프셋 기능을 활용하고, 글꼴 크기 및 스타일을 변경하고, 범주형 축의 순서와 표시를 변경하는 등의 기능을 제공합니다. 결과를 내부 및 규제 당국에 전달하기 위해 결과물을 신속하게 PK/PD 보고서에 첨부할 수 있습니다.
일관적이고 효율성 있는 워크플로
다중 프로젝트 및 분석에서 워크플로를 재사용하여 생산성 향상
Output with the click of a button-data processing/formatting, analysis, figure, plots, and tables
새 데이터를 기존 워크플로로 드래그하여 업데이트된 결과를 손쉽게 생성
시간이 많이 소요되는 분석 작업이나 별도의 데이터 프로그래머가 필요하지 않음
The Phoenix Platform has been adopted by 11 global regulatory agencies, including the US FDA
어디서나 Phoenix에 액세스하세요!
Phoenix Hosted delivers faster compute, outsourced validation, automatic up-versioning, and flexibility of access across Mac and PC operating systems.
In short, greater productivity at a lower total cost of ownership.
Your data is safe with Phoenix
At Certara, we understand the paramount importance of protecting your information. That’s why we are proud to hold an ISO 27001 certification for Certara’s Information Security Management System (ISMS). With ISO 27001, you can have peace of mind knowing that we have implemented robust security controls, undergone rigorous risk assessments, and continuously strive for improvement.