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Advancing Services & Software for INDs: How to Expedite IND Filing with a Subscription Model [APAC Webinar]

When choosing how to accomplish your IND submission, there can be many elements to the process that must be determined: budget, software, personnel support, and more. To further complicate matters, these components must come together in harmony to ensure a smooth filing.

Instead of concentrating individual efforts on research and how to unify the process, join the 30-minute-short webinar to learn how you can employ a comprehensive model that weaves together expert services, superior publishing software, and simplified billing, so you can spend your time focused on regulatory acceptance and future development.

During the webinar, our speaker will also answer your questions.

For whom the webinar will be beneficial the most:

  • Regulatory operation team in Pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies
  • Small biotech/bio ventures with lack of operation headcounts for IND submissions
  • Anyone looking for professional service or software for IND filing

*필수 입력 사항

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