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Phoenix Modeling Language (PML) School

Learn How to Build Custom PK and PK/PD Models

Phoenix WinNonlin™ uses Phoenix Modeling Language (PML) to encode pharmacokinetic (PK) and Pharmacodynamic (PD) models. Although most models can be built using the graphical user interface (GUI) in Phoenix, there are some models that require custom coding with PML.

Certara has launched a series of interactive educational webinars to teach users how to build PK and PK/PD models in Phoenix. This series is called the Phoenix Modeling Language School or PML School. The series will cover scenarios such as simultaneous fitting of IV and PO data, target-mediated drug disposition, enterohepatic recirculation, tumor growth inhibition, and others and sessions are complimentary for Phoenix users.

Attendees will be able to ask questions and discuss how PML works after a brief tutorial. Questions can be submitted upon registration. After each seminar the lesson PML text code and presentation materials will be available for download from the Certara Support Forum. The recorded webinar will be available on the Certara Support Forum, so please make sure to sign up for the forum.

On Demand PML School Sessions

Introduction & Nonlinear Clearance
Learn how to build custom PK and PK/PD models in Phoenix WinNonlin
Presenter: Dan Weiner
Metabolite Kinetics
Simultaneously model plasma data of a drug and metabolite following 5-minute infusion; metabolite clearance follows Michaelis-Menten kinetics
Presenter: Chris Mehl
Two-compartment Repeated Oral Dosing
Fit multiple dose kinetic and dynamic data sequentially
Presenter: Bernd Wendt
Multiple Absorption Routes via the Graphical Phoenix Model
PK modeling of a compound that is absorbed rapidly via the buccal route, and also by delayed absorption in the GI tract
Presenter: Chris Mehl
Simultaneous Fitting of Plasma and Urine Data
Fit IV data first then IV and PO data separately and simultaneously
Presenter: Bernd Wendt
Target-mediated Drug Disposition
Model circulating plasma target with a TMDD model
Presenter: Dan Weiner
Enterohepatic Recirculation
Model enterohepatic recirculation (EHC) after intravenous administration
Presenter: Bernd Wendt
One-compartment 1st and 0-order Input
Fit and discriminate between first and zero-order absorption models
Presenter: Chris Mehl
Allometry-Elementary/Complex Dedrick Plot
Simultaneously fit an allometric model to data from mouse, rat and man
Presenter: Dan Weiner
Turnover III: Nonlinear Disposition
Characterize turnover of an endogenous compound
Presenter: Bernd Wendt
Analysis and Comparison of Link, Turnover and Receptor Binding Models
Fit a link-, turnover- and receptor binding model to data
Presenter: Dan Weiner
Sigmoidal Concentration-response Models
Apply Gompertz, Weibull, Richards, Morgan-Mercer-Flodin, Hill and logistic models
Presenter: Chris Mehl
Analysis of a Tissue Growth/Kill Model
Analyze a tumor cell kill model after acute dosing
Presenter: Bernd Wendt
Modeling Inhibition of Enzyme Activity by Means of Turnover
Construction of a mechanistic turnover model
Presenter: Chris Mehl
Effect Compartment III: IV Infusion
Model response-time data with a link-model
Presenter: Bernd Wendt
Turnover Model 1: IV Bolus Dosing
Model Warfarin-PCA interaction
Presenter: Chris Mehl
Turnover Model 4: IV Infusions
Apply a turnover model to multiple IV dosing response data
Presenter: Bernd Wendt
Turnover Model 1: Repeated Dosing I
Apply a turnover model to repeated po dosing response data
Presenter: Chris Mehl
Dose-response-time Analysis I-IV
Analyze dose-response-time data with an instantenous effect model
Presenter: Bernd Wendt
Transduction Modeling: Assessment of Number of Transit Compartments
Analyze a transduction rate limited response time course
Presenter: Bernd Wendt
Minimal Physiologically-based Pharmacokinetic Model for Monoclonal Antibodies (mAbs)
Construct the model graphically and fit plasma data from mAbs
Presenter: Loan Pham
Target-mediated Drug Disposition (TMDD) Modeling Using the Quasi-equilibrium Assumption
Write a textual model according to Gibiansky (2008), fit and simulate mAb profiles
Presenter: Frank Striebel
Adaptive Simulations: Extending PML to Trial Simulations
A pre-clinical example to simulate a desired outcome
Presenter: Bernd Wendt
Introduction to NONMEM-NLME Comparisons
PK 1-compartment IV bolus model FOCE
Presenter: Bernd Wendt
PK 2-compartment multiple dose-IV bolus Plasma and Urine QRPEM/IMP
Presenter: Bernd Wendt
PK 2-compartment oral with Disease State covariate on V and CL
Presenter: Venkateswari Muthukrishnan
TMDD Model Translated from NONMEM (NM-TRAN) to Phoenix NLME (PML)
Presenter: Loan Pham, Camargo
Nonlinear elimination and model validation I: Bootstrap
Presenter: Bernd Wendt
Mixed absorption and model validation II: VPC
Presenter: Bernd Wendt
Running NONMEM and Phoenix NLME in the cloud
Presenter: Bernd Wendt
PD Emax inhibitory with baseline and shape factor
Presenter: Bernd Wendt
PD indirect response with IV bolus dosing
Presenter: Bernd Wendt
PKPD 1-compartment IV infusion—Emax with baseline, shape and effect
Presenter: Bernd Wendt
Population PK Modeling and Virtual BE Trial Simulation for Formulation Optimization
Presenter: Loan Pham, Camargo
NONMEM-NLME Comparisons
PD Categorical response analysis
Presenter: Bernd Wendt
NONMEM-NLME Comparisons
PD time-to-event analysis
Presenter: Bernd Wendt
NONMEM-NLME Comparisons
PD count analysis
Presenter: Bernd Wendt

About Our Speakers

Dr. Bernd Wendt has been teaching as a trainer at Certara and is a lecturer at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (Munich) for more than 5 years, providing seminars in pharmacokinetics and molecular modeling. He is currently heading the global support group at Certara.

Christopher Mehl is the Customer Support Manager, and is a software trainer at Certara since 2003. He has conducted over 200 training courses with Pharsight desktop products such as Phoenix WinNonlin, IVIVC, NLME, PKS, and Trial Simulator. These include workshops at the US Food and Drug Administration, universities, customer sites, and courses open to the public.

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