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/ 리더십 / Stefanie Hennig

Stefanie Hennig


Dr. Stefanie Hennig joined Certara Strategic Consulting as an Associate Director of Consulting Service in July 2019. She is working as a consultant in PK and PK/PD modelling and simulation in various phases of drug development in a variety of population groups.

Stefanie has a Pharmacy and Master of Science degree from Germany and a PhD from the University of Queensland. She worked as a postdoc and researcher at Uppsala University in Sweden 2007-2010. Before joining Certara, she held a tenured academic position at the University of Queensland (2011-2019) and was a senior fellow of the Humboldt Foundation, Germany. She has >70 peer-reviewed publications, supervised and mentored > 20 higher research students and taught thousands of pharmacy students PK/PD. Her main research interests focused around optimising dosing in children and dose individualization using Bayesian forecasting, population PK/PD and optimal design. Main therapeutic areas of interest are cystic fibrosis, pediatrics, infectious diseases, respiratory diseases, oncology, immunosuppressants, TB and HIV.

Stefanie is very active within the Pharmacometrics community worldwide, as an ISoP and ASCPT member, an Associate Editor for CPT:PSP, a member of the executive committee organising the World Conference of Pharmacometrics (WCoP), Chair of the local organising committee for WCoP2016, a former secretary of the Population Approach Group of Australia and New Zealand (PAGANZ) and she has supported the Australian regulatory agency (Therapeutic Goods Administration) from 2014-2019 as an advisor on the Pharmaceutical Subcommittee.

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