Roberto Heredia Ortiz
ScientistDr. Heredia Ortiz is a theoretical physicist with an academic training in particle physics (McGill University), risk analysis and toxicology (University of Montreal), and theoretical optics (Laval University).
Dr. Heredia Ortiz has over 20 years of experience in mathematical modeling of various phenomena occurring in divers branches of natural and social sciences. He has recently turn his attention to pharmacology and drug development. He joined the pharmacometrics group in Certara Strategic Consulting in 2015. His work covers population PK/PD analysis, compartmental and non-compartmental analysis, sparse and rich data analysis, semi-physiological PK/PD modeling, optimization of time sampling strategies and clinical studies. Specifically, he has worked on Phase I (MTD, SAD, MAD, BA/BE, Food Effect, DDI studies; studies in special populations (e.g., pediatric population, renal and hepatic impaired patients), Phase II studies (in patients for dosing requirements and efficacy in clinical development), and Phase III exposure and safety analysis.
Dr. Heredia Ortiz enjoys literature, ant watching, experimental cooking, Mexican wrestling, dreaming, environmental solutions, football world cup extravaganza, post-rock, tennis, Japanese cinematography, wine tasting, visual arts, ghost hunting, Red Cross donation, pinning on chess, snowball combats and basic crazy carpet sliding.