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/ Author / Iain Gardner, PhD
Bio Pic IanGardner

Iain Gardner, PhD

Sr. Scientific Advisor and Head of Translational Science.

Dr. Gardner has been at Certara since 2011. He leads the science team that is responsible for further developments of the population-based physiologically-based PK/PD simulators to meet the needs of Simcyp Consortium members. Before joining Certara, he spent 12 years working in the Pharmacokinetics, Dynamics, and Metabolism Department at Pfizer Global Research & Development in the UK and the US. In this role, Gardner was responsible for optimizing the pharmacokinetics (PK) properties of compounds for Drug Discovery projects and resolving any ADME issues for projects later in Development. He is particularly interested in the prediction of human PK and the application of in silico physiologically based PK approaches to projects. Before joining Pfizer, Dr. Gardner worked as a postdoctoral scientist at the University of Toronto, Canada, and Imperial College, UK investigating the links between the metabolism and toxicity of drugs and chemicals. He earned his PhD at the University of Sheffield.

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