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/ 리더십 / Amin Rostami-Hodjegan, PhD, FCP, FAAPS, FJSSX, FBPS

Amin Rostami-Hodjegan, PhD, FCP, FAAPS, FJSSX, FBPS

Senior Vice President of R&D and Chief Scientific Officer (CSO), Certara
Professor of Systems Pharmacology & Director of Centre for Applied Pharmacokinetic Research (CAPKR), University of Manchester, UK

As the Senior Vice President of Research & Development (SVP) and Chief Scientific Officer at Certara, he facilitates the incorporation and integration of the latest advances in translational modelling to bio-simulation platforms offered by Certara to its clients, with the aim of accelerating the development and regulatory approval of safer drug products and bringing them to the patients.

Amin was co-founder of two spin-off companies from the University of Sheffield (Simcyp Limited [now part of Certara Inc]) and Diurnal Limited [now part of Neurocrine Bioscience]). As a leader in the field of Physiologically-based Pharmacokinetics (PBPK) and Quantitative Systems Pharmacology (QSP), he is internationally recognized for his expertise in translational modelling to predict the behavior of drugs in human body, and understanding the associated inter-individual variabilities. He was one of the founding editors of Pharmacometrics and System Pharmacology and serves on the Editorial Boards of several other journals.

The Institute of Scientific Information (ISI, Clativate) listed Amin as one of the world’s most highly cited researchers (under ‘Pharmacology & Toxicology’) in 2017. Amin is also at 0.07% top rank of the Highly Cited Researchers List by Stanford University (published by Elsevier) for Pharmacology (2023). He has published over 330 peer reviewed highly influential scientific articles (>24,500 citations, h-index = 85, Google Scholar).

As the Director of Centre for Applied Pharmacokinetic Research (CAPKR) at the University of Manchester, Amin collaborates with many pharmaceutical companies with a view to transfer latest scientific applications into modern drug development. The work of Professor Rostami covers wide areas of drug development over the last 30 years, ranging from pharmaceutics (e.g. bioavailability and bioequivalence) to clinical pharmacology (e.g. mixture pharmacology of drug/metabolites), translational and systems pharmacology (e.g. quantitative proteomics of enzymes and transporter for in vitro to in vivo (IVIVE) scaling).

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