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/ Author / Amandine Manon, PharmD

Amandine Manon, PharmD

Senior Director, Clinical Pharmacology and Translational Medicine

Amandine Manon is a pharmacist by training (Paris XI University) and holds a Master’s in Biopharmacy and Pharmacokinetics. She has now more than 15 years experience in pharma industry in various clinical pharmacokinetics/pharmacology positions. She started her career with junior positions at Pierre Fabre medicaments and Sanofi-Aventis before moving to a more senior position at Ethypharm. In this position, she was responsible for the biopharmacy and clinical pharmacokinetics development strategy of novel formulations. Later, she joined Ipsen as a Clinical Pharmacokinetics project manager where she was responsible for the DMPK and clinical PK strategy of compounds in development in various therapeutic areas (endocrinology, neurology, oncology). She had then the opportunity to move internally at Ipsen to a Director position in Clinical Pharmacology with a special focus on translational medicine for oncology products. Of note, she was also seconded during 9 months in the Global Regulatory Affairs department at Ipsen to strengthen her regulatory knowledge, in particular for the development of an in vitro companion diagnostic.

Amandine joined Certara in September 2020 as Director, Clinical Pharmacology and Translational Medicine.

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