주요 내용으로 건너 뛰기

Maximizing Reusability for Drug Submissions to Different Health Authorities

Many drug developers have products that they want to submit for marketing approval in several regions like the US (NDA/BLA), Europe (MAA (Marketing Authorization Applications)), Canada (NDS (New Drug Submissions)), and elsewhere. But developing each submission independently can waste a lot of time and money. Fortunately, there are ways to maximize the reusability of your … Continued

Simplify Your Submissions Review Process With an Anytime, Anywhere eCTD Viewer

Your organization has numerous stakeholders responsible for reviewing the content of your drug submissions which requires approving eCTD submission content quickly, fielding agency questions on the fly, and often entails referencing in-stream as well as historical submissions to do so. The trouble is, without the right eCTD viewing software in place, simple yet critical review … Continued

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