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The IQ-CSRC Prospective Clinical Phase 1 Study: Can Early QT Assessment Using Exposure Response Analysis Replace the Thorough QT Study?

A collaboration between the Consortium for Innovation and Quality in Pharmaceutical Development and the Cardiac Safety Research Consortium has been formed to design a clinical study in healthy subjects demonstrating that the thorough QT (TQT) study can be replaced by robust ECG monitoring and exposure-response (ER) analysis of data generated from First-in-Man single ascending dose (SAD) studies. Six marketed drugs with well-characterized QTc effects were identified in discussions with FDA; five have caused QT prolongation above the threshold of regulatory concern. Twenty healthy subjects will be enrolled in a randomized, placebo-controlled study designed with the intent to have similar power to exclude small QTc effects as a SAD study. Two doses (low and high) of each drug will be given on separate, consecutive days to 9 subjects. Six subjects will receive placebo. Data will be analyzed using linear mixed-effects ER models. Criteria for QT-positive drugs will be the demonstration of an upper bound (UB) of the 2-sided 90% confidence interval (CI) of the projected QTc effect at the peak plasma level of the lower dose above the threshold of regulatory concern (currently 10 ms) and a positive slope of ER relationship. The criterion for QT-negative drug will be an UB of the CI of the projected QTc effect of the higher dose <10 ms. It is expected that a successful outcome in this study will provide evidence supporting replacement of the TQT study with ECG assessments in standard early clinical development studies for a new chemical entity.

Author(s): Borje Darpo, Nenad Sarapa, Christine Garnett, Charles Benson, Corina Dota, Georg Ferber, Venkateswar Jarugula, Lars Johannesen, James Keirns, Kevin Krudys, Catherine Ortemann‐Renon, Steve Riley, Danise Rogers‐Subramaniam, Norman Stockbridge

Year: 1월 1, 2014

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