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Model-supported Development of CS-8635: A Fixed-dose Combination of Olmesartan, Amlodipine, and Hydrochlorothiazide

CS-8635, a fixed-dose triple combination of olmesartan, amlodipine, and hydrochlorothiazide, was developed to address the growing need for additional blood pressure (BP) reduction in patients not controlled with dual-combination therapies. Prior to Phase III, modeling and simulation (M&S) was conducted to estimate the additional BP lowering effect of CS-8635 compared to the respective dual combinations. The Phase III study evaluated CS-8635 BP lowering effects only at the highest dose strength among the five dose strengths to be developed. Post-trial M&S was performed using an integrated dataset from three Phase III programs; CS-8635 plus two prior dual combinations. M&S robustly estimated and described the BP lowering effects of CS-8635 evaluated in a clinical setting. Furthermore, M&S evaluated BP lowering effects of the additional four dose strengths not studied. In summary, M&S aided the development of the clinical study and full characterization of the BP lowering effects of CS-8635 across intermediate doses.

Author(s): SaeHeum Song, Timothy Carrothers, Helen Moore, Michelle Green, Raymond Miller, Shashank Rohatagi, James Lee, Antonia Wang, Michael Melino, Manini Patel, Reinilde Heyrman, Daniel Salazar

Year: 4월 1, 2013

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