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Exposure-Response Analyses of Tremelimumab Monotherapy or in Combination with Durvalumab in Patients with Unresectable Hepatocellular Carcinoma

An novel single dose regimen of tremelimumab combined with durvalumab could be a way to treat unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma. In this recently published Clinical Cancer Research study, co-authored by Certara’s Rajesh Krishna, the findings reveal that overall survival was longer for patients given this drug regimen.

Author(s): Xuyang Song, Robin Kate Kelley, Anis A. Khan, Nathan Standifer, Diansong Zhou, KyoungSoo Lim, Rajesh Krishna, Lu Liu, Kun Wang, Patricia McCoon, Alejandra Negro, Philip He, Megan Gibbs, John F. Kurland, and Ghassan K. Abou-Alfa

Year: 1월 24, 2023

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