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Clinical trials of disease stages in COVID 19: complicated and often misinterpreted

As of 7월 28, 2020, 1840 clinical trials were registered globally, with 1001 clinical trials recruiting patients for COVID-19 management.1 Despite this large number, only 30 trials have been published as peer-reviewed or preprint publications.2 Media reports and prepublications on medRxiv and bioRxiv represent the most frequent mechanism for data sharing, with wide public reach and usually with little detail. However, with inadequate details on the trials and only superficial scrutiny by the public and scientific decision makers, the consequences have had disastrous effects on other clinical trial funding, permissions, recruitment, and interpretation….

Author(s): Jay J H Park, Eric H Decloedt, Craig R Rayner, Mark Cotton, Edward J Mills

Year: 8월 21, 2020

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