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Accelerating Clinical Evaluation of Repurposed Combination Therapies for COVID-19

As the global COVID-19 pandemic continues, unabated and clinical trials demonstrate limited effective pharmaceutical interventions, there is a pressing need to accelerate treatment evaluations. Among options for accelerated development is the evaluation of drug combinations in the absence of prior monotherapy data. This approach is appealing for a number of reasons. First, combining two or more drugs with related or complementary therapeutic effects permits a multipronged approach addressing the variable pathways of the disease…..

Author(s): Craig R. Rayner, Louis Dron, Jay J. H. Park, Eric H. Decloedt, Mark F. Cotton, Vis Niranjan, Patrick F. Smith, Michael G. Dodds, Fran Brown, Gilmar Reis, David Wesche and Edward J. Mills

Year: 8월 21, 2020

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