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Upcoming 2021 Certara University Express Webinars

온디맨드 웨비나

Video Coming Soon

Certara University is pleased to announce our complimentary 30-minute Express webinar series:

Simplify Your Submission Review Process With an Anywhere, Anytime eCTD Viewer

Date/Time: 2021년 8월 24일 화요일 at 11:00AM EST

Description: Your organization has numerous stakeholders responsible for reviewing the content of your drug submissions which requires approving eCTD submission content quickly, fielding agency questions on the fly, and often entails referencing in-stream as well as historical submissions to do so. The trouble is, without the right eCTD viewing software in place, simple yet critical review tasks can cause delays, increasing your risk of rejection, costs, and user frustration.

Attend this webinar to learn how Certara’s GlobalSubmit WebReview facilitates a fast, efficient, and dynamic regulatory review of your eCTD submissions. Cloud-hosted and web-based, GlobalSubmit WebReview has been tested and validated with some of the largest applications received by Health Authorities.

발표자 Ryan Lanci, MSN, RN, PMP, Director of Product Management, Certara

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