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Optimize drug development with public data and predictive models – model-based meta-analysis (MBMA)

10월 11, 2022
온디맨드 웨비나

Properly understanding the probability of successful drug development requires utilization of all available information. Critical drug development decisions cannot be made with internal data alone. Model-based meta-analysis (MBMA) extracts important insights contained within both proprietary data and publicly available clinical trial results, thus enabling critical R&D, financial (e.g., in/out-licensing), and commercial decision-making with the highest confidence.

In this webinar, Drs. Jaap Mandema and Matt Zierhut will explain how MBMA can improve drug development by:

  • Rigorously establishing safety and efficacy targets needed for differentiation
  • Providing a quantitative framework to properly understand the probability of achieving those differentiation targets (probability of technical success)
  • Rapidly integrating newly available data (both proprietary and published) into this quantitative framework, ensuring decisions are based on all available information
  • Using simulations to design cost-effective drug development programs and improve the probability of correct decisions (e.g., Go/No-go)
  • Simplifying knowledge transfer from detailed trial networks
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