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발견 데이터 기술을 통해 물질 발굴 연구를 가속화하는 방법 알아보기

온디맨드 웨비나

Video Coming Soon

Thu, Nov 4, 2021 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM EDT

Drug discovery research requires understanding complex chemical, biological, logistical, and computational data from a wide variety of data sources. A key challenge for discovery scientists is efficiently accessing the most relevant data from internal and external data sources in a cohesive project data view. Manual methods for assembling data from various sources are time-consuming and inefficient while many current tools require significant IT maintenance to keep data current. This webcast will demonstrate how technology can drive faster design-make-test-analyze cycles resulting in more efficient communication, collaboration, and workflow. Webcast learning objectives:

  • Learn how technology enables discovery scientists from large to small sized global pharmaceutical companies became 20% more productive.
  • Show how data views can be built by scientists and delivered to colleagues as one click-access to project data.
  • Understanding of how technology supports workflows of medicinal chemists, biologists and biologics researchers.


David Lowis, Executive Director, Scientific Informatics, Certara

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