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Drug Development’s New Model: Biosimulation from Discovery to Label Expansion

Check out our Nasdaq-sponsored webinar titled “Drug Development’s New Model”, with experts Piet van der Graaf, SVP, Head of QSP and John Burke, PhD, Co-Founder, President, and CEO at Applied BioMath.

  • Explore the intersection of biosimulation and R&D challenges: Gain insights into common R&D hurdles like high failure rates and safety concerns, and discover how biosimulation tackles these challenges through advanced mathematical modeling.
  • Real-Life Case Studies: Gain insights from examples where biosimulation shaped effective therapies.
  • Industry Impact: Understand how adopting biosimulation can transform pharmaceutical companies and healthcare.
  • Future Perspectives: Explore opportunities for innovation in drug discovery with biosimulation.

Access the on-demand webinar now!

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