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Academic Centers of Excellence

Academic Centers of Excellence for Model-informed Drug Development (MIDD)

As regulators and sponsors recognize the growing importance of model-informed drug development (MIDD), Certara is committed to educating the next generation of experts in this field, on a global basis. We are achieving that goal by partnering with eminent scientists at designated academic Centers of Excellence around the world.

Our Centers of Excellence program is designed to:

  • Build a reputation for researching and discovering new solutions and solve PK/PD challenges
  • Provide faculty, students, and post-doctoral researchers the use of innovative software solutions to research, test, and apply problem solving
  • Remain at the forefront of new technology trends and breakthroughs
  • Lead the way from initial ideas in software development to the implementation of cutting-edge technologies
  • Participate in pre-release testing of emerging technologies, enabling our Center of Excellence experts to stay abreast of software development and, when applicable, influence the outcome.

As a participant in the Centers of Excellence program, Certara provides access to Phoenix software licenses (at no cost) to be used by faculty, students, and post-doctoral researchers to support coursework, academic research, and collaboration on other projects with Certara. In return, we ask that the Center of Excellence contribute public webinars that cover topics related to the Phoenix software or the use of that software to solve a problem, public recognition on websites, inclusion of training on Phoenix software in student courses, and referencing Phoenix software in academic publications.

Centers of Excellence

Working in close partnership with respected scientists at designated Academic Centers of Excellence, Certara is committed to training the next generation of experts in model-informed drug development, with a particular focus on pharmacometrics.

University of Athens
School of Health Sciences – Department of Pharmacy
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University at Buffalo
School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
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China Pharmaceutical University
College of Pharmacy
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University of Colorado
Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
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University of Florida
College of Pharmacy
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Center-of-Excellence-KeioUKeio University
Department of Clinical Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics
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King Saud University
College of Pharmacy
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University of Namibia
School of Pharmacy
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UNCThe University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy
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Center-of-Excellence-ManchesterUThe University of Manchester
School of Health Sciences
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Michigan State University
Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology
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Center-of-Excellence-MinnasotaUThe University of Minnesota School of Pharmacy
Department of Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology
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Center-of-Excellence-PekingUMCPeking Union Medical College
Clinical Pharmacology Research Center
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University of Pittsburgh School of Pharmacy
University of Pittsburgh
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Center-of-Excellence-RutgersURutgers University
Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy
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Center-of-Excellence-UtrechtUUtrecht University
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
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