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Headquartered in Minneapolis, Minnesota, Medtronic, lnc. is the global leader in medical technology – alleviating pain, restoring health, and extending life for millions of people around the world.

Even a global leader must constantly question whether the way new products or treatments are effectively communicated to key stakeholders. The challenge was about a concise and clear presentation of the value of minimally invasive spine surgery (MIS). The key lies in striking the balance between simplicity and accuracy, ensuring that the information shared is credible and easily comprehensible. By distilling complex data into clear and visually engaging insights, the MIS presentation can empower stakeholders to make informed decisions.


  • Senior sales representatives
  • Strategic key account managers
  • Country reimbursement managers
  • Product managers


  • Hospital heads
  • Hospital pharmacists
  • Surgery heads


  • UK
  • ltaly
  • France
Certara Case Study Med Device 1

One of the key challenges of health economics has always been to communicate complex information to decision makers. Our field has been perceived as something too difficult to understand. The communication platforms facilitate a better dialogue with providers and payers, and there is a lot of potential to use this with other audiences and purposes. We have just begun to appreciate the potential.

Senior Director, Global Health Economics & Reimbursement Dr. Carolin Miltenburger

To present the data from the micro-costing study around MIS, a value communication app was developed using BaseCase. BaseCase consists of a presentation layer to create intuitive and visual presentations, and a spreadsheet layer to integrate economic models and calculations.

Selected cost inputs such as the cost of a hospital day were integrated into the app, allowing for easy modifications during a customer presentation. Background information and references were included to be displayed as needed.

Certara Case Study ABILIFY MAINTENA 1
Certara Case Study Med Device 2

The app was initially launched in the UK, with ltaly following two months later. It met the stated objectives: to visualize the key messages in a single screen. During customer meetings, the app provided a way to capture the customers’ attention and customers understood what was presented. Compared to a classic slide deck with bullet points, the app kept the attention of customers for a longer period of time. The simplicity of the app makes the value proposition easy to understand, and this encouraged active participation and discussion. At internal meetings, the app helped to increase the awareness of the economic value of MIS within Medtronic. The app helped to explain the reasons for conducting economic studies such as micro-costing to executives and colleagues from marketing.

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