주요 내용으로 건너 뛰기

Upon receipt of the clinical data set, Certara Synchrogenix quickly mapped and generated the narrative template for all patients meeting criteria. We were able to achieve 100% automation, such that individual narratives did not require manual edits from the narrative writing of QC team. All narratives were delivered to the Sponsor team within 3 business days for final submission efforts to the healthy authority.

CS Body Image 1 An urgent health authority request

The narrative builder features in Synchrogenix™ Writer enabled us to achieve 100% automation, such that individual narratives did not require manual edits from the narrative writing or QC team.

The narrative builder features in Synchrogenix™ Writer give our Sponsors the peace of mind to fulfill their health authority requests without worrying about quality or meeting the requested by date.

CS Body Image 2 Cloud Logo

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