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100 Articles That Will Help You Understand PBPK Modeling & Simulation

As a company with a strong academic foundation, our scientists actively publish the results of their research in the form of conference abstracts and peer-reviewed papers. We’re proud to announce that our PBPK modeling and simulation group has hit a milestone of having published more than 100 papers since 2007. In this blog post, I’ll discuss some of the highlights of this research group and touch on how our Consortium members are using the Simcyp Simulator to accelerate the pace of drug development.

What has been the focus of our publications?

Physiologically-based pharmacokinetic modeling (PBPK) approaches can predict the absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion (ADME) of a drug. It enables drug developers to predict drug exposure levels based on patient and drug characteristics, and concomitant medications. It can fill knowledge gaps, especially where clinical data are scarce.

In the past year, our scientists in the Simcyp group have published heavily in the areas of biologics including monoclonal antibodies (mAbs), cardiac safety and drug transporters. Monoclonal antibodies and their derivatives are a rapidly growing segment of the pharmaceutical industry’s pipeline. In fact, more than 40 mAbs and derivatives have been approved for a variety of therapeutic applications and about 500 more are currently in different stages of development. Two recently published papers highlight how PBPK models are advancing the understanding of this important class of therapeutic drugs:

Using virtual populations to study drug disposition in multiple life stages and subpopulations

We are entering the era of personalized medicine as exemplified by the launch of the Precision Medicine Initiative earlier this year. While clinical studies provide powerful insights into a drug’s safety and efficacy, there are both ethical and practical limitations to conducting clinical trials in children, pregnant women, and patients with organ impairment.

The Simcyp Simulator is an invaluable tool for studying the effects of drugs or toxins in multiple life stages and sub populations. The research contributions of our PBPK modeling and simulation group are significantly advancing our understanding of pediatric drug disposition. Some of the highlights in this area include:

The Simcyp Simulator: the gold standard for PBPK modeling in scientific publications

We are also proud to see the large number of publications by our Consortium members that use the Simcyp Simulator. In the area of drug-drug interactions alone, Consortium members published eleven papers in the last year. Although we often focus on the potential hazards of interacting drugs, food effects can also be an important cause of altered pharmacokinetics. Two of these articles focused on predicting the extent and variability of the change in drug disposition caused by drinking grapefruit juice. Grapefruits and limes contain furanocoumarins which inhibit CYP3A4 enzymes. This can lead to an increase in the concentration of a drug and cause toxicity. For more information, you may want to read this Biopharmaceutics & Drug Disposition article by our academic associates at Keio University in Japan or this Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics article by our academic associates at my alma mater, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.


All information presented derive from public source materials.

Learn more about the benefits of leveraging PBPK

To learn more about how sponsors are benefiting from Simcyp science, please read this case study on how a medium-sized biopharmaceutical company leveraged Certara’s trial simulation software and PBPK modeling and simulation consulting services to facilitate regulatory approval for a long-acting injectable anti-psychotic drug.

About the author

Suzanne Minton
By: Suzanne Minton
Dr. Suzanne Minton is the Director of Content Strategy where she leads a team of writers that develop the whip smart, educational, and persuasive content is the foundation of Certara’s thought leadership programs. She has a decade of experience in corporate marketing and has conducted biomedical research in infectious disease, cancer, pharmacology, and neurobiology. Suzanne earned a BS in biology from Duke University and a doctorate in pharmacology from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

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