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How COVID-19 has fundamentally changed clinical research in global health

By: Jay J HParkMSc, RobinMoggPhD, Gerald ESmithMSc, EtheldredaNakimuli-MpunguPhD, FyezahJehanMBBS, Craig RRaynerPharmD, JeanineCondoPhD, Eric HDecloedtPhD, ProfJean BNachegaPhD, GilmarReisPhD, ProfEdward, JMillsFRCP

COVID-19 has had negative repercussions on the entire global population. Despite there being a common goal that should have unified resources and efforts, there have been an overwhelmingly large number of clinical trials that have been registered that are of questionable methodological quality. As the final paper of this Series, we discuss how the medical research community has responded to COVID-19. We recognise the incredible pressure that this (…)

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