Latest updates demonstrate commitment to customers and market leadership of Phoenix Platform
PRINCETON, N.J.— 6월 12, 2023. Certara®, the global leader in biosimulation, today announced the launch of version 8.4 of its Phoenix™ platform, the industry gold standard in pharmacokinetic/ pharmacodynamic (PK/PD) and toxicokinetic modeling and simulation software. Version 8.4 delivers new features driven by customer demand that improve efficiency, quality, and speed.
Key Phoenix 8.4 updates include the following:
- Usability Enhancements: Scientists will find a number of improvements focused on making Phoenix more intuitive and streamlined. For example, duplicating objects within a workflow is a convenience that will save time and allow PK experts to work more effectively.
- Auditability Improvements: Certara understands the importance of maintaining a robust audit trail. Phoenix 8.4의 점검 기능 중 하나는 UTC에 대한 사용자 기본 설정 또는 날짜/시간 형식에 대한 시스템 표준 시간대를 쉽게 설정하는 기능입니다.
- Compatibility Upgrades: 이번 출시에서 Phoenix는 그 어느 때보다 호환성이 높아졌습니다. 예를 들어 Phoenix 8.4는 이제 v9를 통해 sas7bdat 파일 및 SAS 전송 파일(XPT) 형식을 포함하여 더 많은 데이터 파일 형식을 지원합니다.
These enhancements extend to various aspects of the software, including the Phoenix Platform, Reporting, Charting, and NLME. The updates are expected to significantly enhance the Phoenix user’s ability to analyze, interpret, and visualize data.
About Phoenix
The Phoenix platform is used worldwide by more than 6,000 scientists at biopharmaceutical companies, academic and non-profit institutions, and regulatory agencies. Eleven regulatory agencies, including the U.S. FDA, PMDA in Japan, and NMPA in China, rely on Phoenix to evaluate life-saving drug candidates.
For more information on the Phoenix platform, please
Certara 소개 Certara accelerates medicines using proprietary biosimulation software, technology and services to transform traditional drug discovery and development. Its clients include more than 2,000 biopharmaceutical companies, academic institutions, and regulatory agencies across 62 countries.