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/ 뉴스 / Certara Launches Updated Version of SEND Explorer Software

Certara Launches Updated Version of SEND Explorer Software

Delivers advanced data analysis and visualization capabilities to support nonclinical scientists

PRINCETON, N.J.— 8월 28, 2023 – Certara, Inc., a global leader in biosimulation, today announced the release of version 11.0 of the SEND Explorer® Product Family. SEND Explorer allows scientists to interactively investigate study data, to efficiently identify dose-response relationships and to effectively communicate data trends with other scientists.

SEND Explorer is a validated, web-based application that provides advanced viewing, data summarization, and visualization capabilities for nonclinical study data. Using SEND Explorer, scientists can generate single- and multi-study visualizations to make data-driven decisions and quickly address questions from development teams and regulatory authorities. 

SEND Explorer v11.0 adds several new visualizations, incorporates additional features to leverage the value of historical preclinical study data, includes numerous enhancements requested by scientists, and provides functionality to support the latest updates to the SEND model (SEND V3.1.1).

Key SEND Explorer updates include the following:

  • New visualization capabilities: Adds single-study survival plots, multi-study line graphs, summary by tissue for organ weights, and existing visualization enhancements to include additional subplot and query features.
  • Additional user controls: Supports horizontal reference line(s) in Line Graph and Scatterplot views, Historical Control Overlay on Scatterplot Timecourse View, and Cross-Study query for Endpoints of Interest.
  • Technology upgrades: Now supports SEND V3.1.1 and provides a user-friendly interface for configuration of Pristima data sources.

Learn more about SEND Explorer at https://www.certara.com/data-and-informatics/send-explorer-software/.

Certara 소개

Certara는 독점적인 바이오시뮬레이션 소프트웨어, 기술 그리고 서비스를 통해 전통적인 물질발견과 약물개발을 혁신하여 의학발전을 가속화하도록 지원한다. 2,00062 Certara의 고객으로는 전 세계 62개국에 걸쳐 2,000개 이상의 글로벌 바이오 제약 회사, 선도적인 학술 기관 및 주요 규제기관들이 있다.

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