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/ 뉴스 / Certara Introduces Certara.AI, the Life Sciences Specialized GPT Platform

Certara Introduces Certara.AI, the Life Sciences Specialized GPT Platform

Certara.AI Improves Drug Research & Development Processes with Secure, Client-Specific, A.I. Applications

PRINCETON, N. J.—10월 5, 2023— Certara, Inc. 글로벌 바이오시뮬레이션 선두기업(Nasdaq: CERT), a global leader in biosimulation software, today announced the availability of Certara.AI, a platform designed specifically for the deployment of client-specific generative pre-trained transformers (GPTs) in Life sciences organizations.

The majority of GPT models available on the market are trained on broad sets of information which are ideal for answering generalized questions, but lacking the expertise and rigor needed for life science tasks. Certara.AI addresses these challenges by:

  • Deploying purpose-built GPTs trained on biomedical datasets enabling highly specific, contextualized responses.
  • Securely connecting to client-specific data, ensuring generated content is informed by the most up-to-date information available.
  • Accessing a growing biomedical library of over 60 million life science research documents providing users with real-time access to industry insights.
  • Supplying references for GPT responses allowing for user validation of generated content.
  • Providing no code applications making AI and GPTs accessible to a wide range of end-users across a client organization.

“While GPTs have revolutionized a range of A.I. powered analytics, they also have shortcomings such as “hallucinations”, lack of up-to-date information and references and concerns over sending data to GPTs outside of a client’s firewall.” said Certara SVP and Head of A.I., Dr. Christopher Bouton. “Certara.AI is built specifically for valuable life sciences use cases that general GPTs are not designed to address. By incorporating the expertise of Certara’s life science experts, the Certara.AI. platform meets the rigorous standards of the life science industry allowing for trusted deployment of GPT models within the drug development lifecycle.”

Certara.AI offers a secure way for the life science industry to reduce time, save money, and enhance the drug development process. The platform’s flexible architecture enables integration across Certara’s product portfolio enabling the application of GPTs within early discovery, clinical trials, and regulatory submission.

In addition to the life sciences sector, Certara.AI has also been deployed other industry verticals including the federal government. The architecture is fully generalized for the deployment of private GPTs helping to accelerate manual research tasks across trusted sources for improved productivity.

For more information on the Certara.AI platform, please visit https://www.certara.com/software/certara-ai-platform/.

Certara 소개 

Certara accelerates medicines using biosimulation software, technology and services that transform traditional drug discovery and development. Its clients include more than 2,300 biopharmaceutical companies, academic institutions, and regulatory agencies across 70 countries. Visit us at www.certara.com

Certara Contact: 

Sheila Rocchio

Media Contact: 

Ariane Lovell
Finn Partners

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