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/ Author / Paola Coppola, MSc
Paola Coppola

Paola Coppola, MSc

Director, Clinical Pharmacology and Translational Medicine, Integrated Drug Development

Paola Coppola is currently Director Clinical Pharmacology at Certara. She has 15+ years of clinical pharmacology and regulatory experience having worked as Senior Pharmacokinetics Assessor at the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), UK and in a number of roles in Industry such as Head of Clinical Pharmacokinetics and Marketed Products Clinical Pharmacology Lead at AstraZeneca, UK, and Pharmacokinetics Scientist in Angelini, Italy. She has been an observer of the EMA PK Working Party and Modelling & Simulation Working Party.

Paola has extensive experience in early phase clinical trials and strong interest in the evaluation of PK in special populations such as pregnancy and pediatrics. Having worked on a MHRA project on the evaluation of PK in pregnancy in collaboration with The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, she has authored a number of publications and presentations on that matter. Paola is a member of the Clinical Pharmacology Regulatory Strategy team and of the Pediatric Center of Excellence at Certara. She obtained her MSc in Biological Sciences from the University Federico II of Naples, Italy and a Post graduate Master from the Business School ISTUD, Italy.

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