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Get Your One Month Free Trial of R speaks NLME (RsNLME)

R speaks NLME (RsNLME) is now available!

Improve your modeling productivity with Certara’s RsNMLE – a collection of R packages and companion RShiny apps that allow scientists to run models using the Certara NLME engine and PML (Pharmacometric Modeling Language) syntax directly from the R command line. RsNLME is available through Pirana, Certara’s modeling workbench.

RsNLME is an intuitive, agile R-based application that delivers:

  • Ease of Use: Allows users to define models without in-depth knowledge of underlying code
  • Seamless workflow: Utilizes Certara’s PML modeling language for easy, transferable PK/PD structural model coding in R
  • Flexibility: Provides R tidyverse based syntax for model manipulation and execution
  • And – Supports existing Phoenix WinNonlin™ and Phoenix NLME™ models

R speaks NLME (RsNLME) is supported by Certara’s Pirana RsNLME allows pharmacometric scientists to run models Work more efficiently with unlimited flexibility when using RsNLME with Certara’s Pirana modeling workbench together. To learn more about Pirana, click here.

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