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Pharmacometrics: Support Early Decision-Making

Pharmacometrics: Support Early Decision-Making

Start Strong: Implement Pharmacometrics Early-On

The decisions drug developers make early in the development process are critical because they impact the success or failure of the drug later on. Incorporating pharmacometrics methods early in development helps quantify interactions between drugs and patients, optimizing drug development. 

Global Leaders in Pharmacometrics, with a Proven Record of Success 

Pharmacometrics Services for Early Drug Development

We provide a comprehensive spectrum of decision-making support and filing support, based on quantitative analysis methodologies. 

  • Translational PK-PD Analysis (animal to man) 
  • Exposure-Response Analysis of Efficacy or Safety 
  • Cardiovascular Safety Analyses (QTc) 
  • Model-based Meta Analysis 
  • Clinical Trial Simulations 

Choose Certara: World’s Most Experienced Pharmacometrics Team 

With over 120+ pharmacometricians, the Certara Pharmacometrics team designs and implements model-informed drug development (MIDD) strategies for all types of drug development programs, regardless of therapeutic area, drug modality, and development phase. 


Our experts are skilled at navigating the complexities of each project by creating fit-for-purpose analysis approaches, aimed at addressing the key development questions. At Certara, we value innovation, and leverage strong science, deep expertise, and strategic thinking to overcome our partners’ unique challenges. 

Integrated Solutions 

As a part of Certara’s Drug Development Solutions family which includes a wide range of drug development service offerings, the team is uniquely positioned to help clients put the results of pharmacometrics analyses in the context of their development strategy and achieve optimal impact on decision-making. With access to CMC, DMPK, Toxicology, and Regulatory Services, every project has access to end-to-end support. 

Meet the Experts

Rik de Greef

Rik de Greef

Senior Vice President, Global Lead, Quantitative Science Services

Stephen Duffull

Senior Scientific Advisor, Quantitative Science Services

Matt Zierhut

Vice President, MBMA Capability Lead

JF Marier

Senior Vice President, Canada Region Lead, Quantitative Science Services

Adekemi Taylor

Vice President, QSS-US-1 Region Lead, Quantitative Science Services 

Mirjam Trame

Vice President, QSS-US-2 Region Lead, Quantitative Science Services 

Amy Cheung

Vice President, Europe/APAC Region Lead, Quantitative Science

Paul Diderichsen

Vice President, Europe/Africa Region Lead, Quantitative Science Services

Book a Meeting with our Pharmacometricians


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