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Prediction of CYP-mediated DDIs involving inhibition: Approaches to address the requirements for system qualification of the Simcyp Simulator

The article “Prediction of CYP-mediated DDIs involving inhibition: Approaches to address the requirements for system qualification of the Simcyp Simulator” by Kilford et al. outlines a framework for qualifying the Simcyp Simulator to predict CYP-mediated drug-drug interactions (DDIs). By using a DDI matrix, the study evaluated competitive and mechanism-based inhibition across several CYP enzymes, showing strong predictive accuracy. This work supports the Simcyp Simulator’s application in regulatory submissions for assessing DDI risks in drug development.

For more details, visit: Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics.

Author(s): Peter J. Kilford, Kuan-Fu Chen, Kim Crewe, Iain Gardner, Oliver Hatley, Alice Ban Ke, Sibylle Neuhoff, Mian Zhang, Karen Rowland Yeo

Year: 4월 20, 2022

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