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Model-informed drug discovery and development approaches to inform clinical trial design and regulatory decisions: A primer for the MENA region

The integration of MID3 offers a transformative opportunity for the MENA region to advance pharmaceutical research and healthcare through sophisticated quantitative models like population PK/PD and PBPK modeling. Educational resources, including structured training programs and academic curricula, are essential for developing a skilled workforce capable of leveraging these methodologies. Collaborative efforts between academia, industry, and regulatory bodies, along with global training networks, are vital to enhance training relevance and foster a diverse pharmacometrics community. By investing in these areas and harmonizing regulatory frameworks, MENA countries can not only address regional health challenges but also contribute to global pharmaceutical advancements. The adoption of MID3 is crucial, necessitating a unified effort from policymakers, academic institutions, and industry stakeholders to support innovation and collaboration in the field.

Author(s): Mohammed S. Alasmari , Salwa Albusaysi, Marwa Elhefnawy, Ali M. Ali, Khalid Altigani, Mohammed Almoslem, Mohammed Alharbi, Jahad Alghamdi, Abdullah Alsultan

Year: 1월 14, 2025

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