주요 내용으로 건너 뛰기

Creation of novel sensitive probe substrate and moderate inhibitor models for a comprehensive prediction of CYP2C8 interactions for tucatinib

Authors: Ian E. Templeton, Karen Rowland-Yeo, Hannah M. Jones, Christopher J. Endres, Ariel R. Topletz-Erickson, Hao Sun, Anthony J. Lee

A physiologically based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) model was developed to simulate plasma concentrations of tucatinib (Tukysa®) after single-dose or multiple-dose administration of 300 mg BID orally. This PBPK model was subsequently applied…

Author(s): Ian E. Templeton, Karen Rowland-Yeo, Hannah M. Jones, Christopher J. Endres, Ariel R. Topletz-Erickson, Hao Sun, Anthony J. Lee

Year: 11월 16, 2023

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