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A guide to developing population files for physiologically-based pharmacokinetic modeling in the Simcyp Simulator

This collaborative effort by Certara and the Centre for Applied Pharmacokinetic Research (CAPKR) at The University of Manchester highlights the use of the Simcyp Simulator for PBPK modelling and simulation, discussing its role in model-informed drug development (MIDD). The guide outlines key factors for creating virtual populations and demonstrates the utility of PBPK in understanding impacts on various populations.

Author(s): Liam Curry, Sarah Alrubia, Frederic Y. Bois, Ruth Clayton, Eman El-Khateeb, Trevor N. Johnson, Muhammad Faisal, Sibylle Neuhoff, Kris Wragg, Amin Rostami-Hodjegan

Year: 7월 18, 2024

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