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Target mediated drug disposition – a population PKPD analysis of literature data

Drs. Gabrielsson and Wendt will continue to co-present a new case study about analyzing acute and repeated dosing of a monoclonal antibody (mAb from literature data), and then extend the analysis to pharmacologically relevant questions. This is done to promote new material covered in the 6th edition of “Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Data Analysis: Concepts and Applications”. Literature data are used to demonstrate disposition pattern of the mAb, but our analysis is then extended to demonstrate pivotal pharmacological target properties. This exciting Case study will demonstrate:

A simulation of new synthetic population data An extension of pharmacological reasoning which allows calculating in vivo potency IC50 which covers binding properties, target turnover and complex kinetics

The new expression of in vivo potency is a more robust parameter for prediction of exposures and doses across different individuals and species.

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