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효율적인 PK 분석을 위한 요구 사항: Repository to Report

데이터 집계는 모든 계량약리학 워크플로의 첫 번째 단계입니다. 수천 건의 분석을 수행하거나 수천 개의 모델을 구축하는 팀에게는 프로그래밍 방식으로 빠르게 첫 걸음을 내딛는 것이 중요합니다. Certara의 Phoenix Platform의 데이터 저장소 구성 요소인 Integral을 사용하면 이제 이를 수행할 수 있습니다.

Watch our webinar to see the advantages of basing your PMX workflow on a compliant, cloud-hosted, API-enabled data repository. Two Certara analysts outline the connectivity and auditing requirements such a repository ought to meet, for GxP and non-GXP studies. From this foundation, they’ll proceed to options for bringing your now centralized data into the right analysis or modeling environment. We also hear from Jocelyn Webb, Associate Director of Global Pharmacokinetics at Charles River Laboratories. Jocelyn shares how her team built a workflow designed for efficiency and consistency, highlighting the roles of Integral and other features of the Phoenix Platform.

Jocelyn Webb
Associate Director, Global Pharmacokinetics
Charles River Laboratories

Chris Mehl
Manager of Customer Success
Phoenix Team at Certara

Michael Clifton
Manager, Product Management
Integral Team at Certara


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