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고성능 PK/PD를 위한 Hosted Phoenix

How do you maximize efficiency in PK/PD analysis and pharmacometric modeling? Well-trained scientists, reproducible workflows, and connected technology for the “data in to report out” journey are all essential. But without a software environment designed for speed and scale, the improvements you make at the point of analysis and model-building can hit a limit.

Fill out the form and watch the on-demand webinar to see how you can break through this limit. From performance to cost efficiency, our team of scientists and technologists will quantify the gains available through Phoenix Hosted, including easier validation, faster compute, automatic up-versioning, and lower total cost of ownership. They’ll also share case studies of customers’ transitions to Phoenix Hosted, including their rationale, outcomes, and return on investment.


  • Chris Mehl
    Manager, Customer Success
    Phoenix Team at Certara

  • Arjen Bos
    Senior Product Manager
    Phoenix Team at Certara

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