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Advancing Services & Software for INDs: How to Expedite IND Filing with a Subscription Model

When choosing how to accomplish your IND submission, there can be many elements to the process that must be determined: budget, software, personnel support, and more. To further complicate matters, these components must come together in harmony to ensure a smooth filing.

Instead of concentrating individual efforts on research and how to unify the process, join the 30-minute-short webinar to learn how you can employ a comprehensive model that weaves together expert services, superior publishing software, and simplified billing, so you can spend your time focused on regulatory acceptance and future development.

또한 웨비나 중 발표자가 참여자의 질문에 대한 답변을 제공할것입니다.

웨비나 참여 권장 대상:

    • Regulatory operation team in Pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies

    • Small biotech/bio ventures with lack of operation headcounts for IND submissions

    • Anyone looking for professional service or software for IND filing

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