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The 25th Annual Simcyp Consortium Meeting


Every year, the Consortium—comprising over 30 leading biopharmaceutical companies—convenes to discuss Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic (PBPK) initiatives in drug development and their regulatory impacts. Consortium members collaborate closely with Simcyp scientists, guiding the scientific evolution of the Simcyp Simulator—a powerful platform utilized by prominent regulators such as the US FDA, EMA, Health Canada, and PMDA.

When: 24th – 26th September 2024
Where: Radisson Hotel & Conference Centre London, Heathrow

Event Overview

Day 1: Tuesday, 24th September

Simcyp Open Day Celebration

Join us for a day dedicated to the Simcyp concept. The evening includes a drinks reception.

시간: 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM

OPEN TO ALL: Academic, regulatory associates, and Simcyp Consortium members are welcome.

For the first time in history of the Simcyp Consortium, non-members are invited to our “Open Day”. This is a unique opportunity to connect with industry leaders, regulatory experts, and academics as we reflect on and celebrate Simcyp’s remarkable 25-year journey prior to the start of the Consortium meeting.

Event Highlights:

  • History of the Consortium: Explore its impact on Drug-Drug Interaction Predictions.
  • Simcyp PBPK Modeling Impact: Discover its influence on drug development, regulatory sciences, biopharmaceutics, and special populations.

Key Highlights:

  1. Session 1 Simcyp Consortium History and its impact on Drug-Drug Interaction Predictions
  2. Session 2 Simcyp PBPK modelling impact on drug development and regulatory sciences
  3. Session 3 Simcyp PBPK modelling impact on biopharmaceutics and special populations
  4. Session 4 Simcyp Consortium members perspective and future directions


시간 Speaker Title 
09:00 Masoud Jamei  Welcome Remarks 
 Session 1  Chair: Iain Gardner  Simcyp Consortium History and its impact on Drug-Drug Interaction Predictions 
09:05 Amin Rostami  Simcyp Vision 25 Years on! 
09:45 Loeckie De Zwart  Evolving role of in vitro data in PBPK modelling and how PBPK modelling informed in vitro data generation and analysis 
10:15 Gemma Dickinson Simcyp and predicting DDI 
10:45 Refreshment Break  
 Session 2  Chair: Karen R Yeo  Simcyp PBPK modelling impact on drug development and regulatory sciences 
11:15 Yuching Yang Impact of PBPK on regulatory sciences  
11:45 Ping Zhao Impact of PBPK on Global Health 
12:15 Lunch Break  
 Session 3 Chair: Amin Rostami  Simcyp PBPK modelling impact on clinical pharmacology, biopharmaceutics and special populations 
13:15 Saskia de Wildt Impact of Simcyp on Development of new Generation of Scientists  
13:45 Kunal Taskar Impacts of the Simcyp on Clinical Pharmacology within Pharma 
14:15 TBC Potential Impacts of PBPK modelling on personalised dosing 
14:45 Mark McAllister Simcyp contributions to PBPK modelling in biopharmaceutics  
15:15 Refreshment Break  
 Session 4 Chair: Masoud Jamei Simcyp Consortium perspective and future directions 
15:45 Kunal Tasker Consortium Members Perspective  
16:15 TBC  Round table discussion: What future holds for PBPK and Simcyp Consortium?  
16:50 Rob Aspbury Concluding Remarks  
17:00 End of the meeting   
18:00 Drinks Reception, Buffet Dinner & Poster Viewing 

Day 2: Wednesday, 25th September

Simcyp Annual Consortium - 25th

Main Meeting

(Consortium Members Only)


  • Simcyp R&D Team Progress Update: Implementation of the Version 25 Wish List projects.
  • Feedback from Consortium Members.

Evening event: Consortium Dinner at Twickenham Stadium, home of the England national rugby union team.

Day 3: Thursday, 26th September

Simcyp Annual Consortium - 25th

Main Meeting

(Consortium Members Only)


  • Voting: Simcyp Version 26 Wish List.

Registration to the main meeting (Consortium Members Only):

1.      You can register to the event by logging in to your Simcyp members’ account.

2.      New to Simcyp? Click the ‘Sign Up’ link here.

2.      Book your hotel room at the Radisson RED Hotel using promotional code CEN0924 for a preferential rate.


Simcyp Support: simcyp.support@certara.com

To view our privacy statement, please follow the link to our members’ area here.

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