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What is WinNonlin?

A reader suggested that I write a similar post about WinNonlin. Great idea! Thank you!

WinNonlin is a pharmacokinetic software package that has grown and evolved over the past 20 years. The most familiar versions of WinNonlin (v3 – v5) were stand-alone Windows-based software packages used to perform non-compartmental analysis and single subject non-linear model fitting. The most recent version (v6) represents a complete redesign of the software and incorporates many new features of modern software. This new version was renamed “Phoenix“.

Phoenix is really a framework or platform onto which different analysis tools can be connected. Imagine an erector set that has a base or platform. Many types of supports, devices, and objects can be connected to the platform. The platform serves as a stable area for connections to be made. Phoenix is a software platform where connections between analysis tools can be made.

What types of connections can be added? While not an exhaustive list, you can add a non-compartmental analysis tool (WinNonlin), a single subject non-linear fitting module (also called WinNonlin), a data exchange solution (Connect), or a non-linear population analysis module (NLME). I believe you can also connect analysis tools such as R and NONMEM to the Phoenix platform.

While many in the industry have been skeptical about the new Phoenix platform and WinNonlin analysis engine, I believe that this revolution in pharmacokinetic software is setting a new standard. The ability to construct “workflows”, which are pre-defined steps in an analysis such as data formatting, analysis, output summaries, generation of tables, and generation of figures.

You can learn more about WinNonlin at the Certara website.

Today’s pharmacokineticists and PK/PD modelers are under more pressure than ever to quickly and accurately characterize the safety and efficacy profiles of investigational drugs. They need the right tools to perform non-compartmental analysis (NCA), build pharmacometric models, and generate reports that communicate their findings.

Phoenix 7.0’s new features and enhancements are the direct result of user feedback we received to make the world’s most advanced PK/PD software package even better.

Watch this webinar to learn how Phoenix 7.0 helps you handle bigger datasets, perform lightning-fast NCA, and make gorgeous plots.

About the author

By: Nathan Teuscher

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