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Define.xml Submission Checklist


Your Define.xml Submission Checklist

Learn what mistakes to avoid when creating your define.xml

How detailed should you be? When should you create a PDF file?… Whether you’re creating define files during a study or at the end, our checklist will help you avoid the pitfalls and tell you all you need to know to create a compliant Define.xml submission.

What you will learn

Tick icon Certara website

The best way to create codelists

Tick icon Certara website

How to handle derivations and comments

Tick icon Certara website

What to do before you submit

Tick icon Certara website

8 best practice steps and 10 mistakes to avoid

Get Your Free Define.xml Submission Checklist

Submit the form below to download your checklist and become an expert in creating compliant Define.xml!

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