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PK/PD Data Analysis, Concepts and Applications eBook

Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Data Analysis eBook

PK/PD Concepts and Applications

Certara is proud to offer a golden opportunity for learners and experts in pharmacokinetics & pharmacodynamics! The standard book is available FREE of charge!

Why is this book a must-have?

🏆 A trusted resource for generations of PK experts.

💡 Comprehensive insights into both theory and practice of PK/PD.

🤝 Authored by distinguished experts in the field.

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Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Data Analysis

Accelerate your Journey: Learn & Grow with the Standard Book for PK Scientists

Through numerous examples and over 100 tutorials, scientists learn how to apply PK/PD analysis in a variety of practical areas, from simple plasma kinetics, multi-compartment models, nonlinear kinetics, plasma protein binding, pharmacodynamic models, turnover concepts, receptor binding, functional adaptation and rebound, dose-response-time data analysis, inter-species scaling, target mediated drug disposition, and a lot more. 

Simply fill out the form to gain exclusive access to Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Data Analysis, PK/PD Concepts and Applications, 5th edition.

Be prepared to embark on a transformative learning experience that will shape your future!

PKPD eBook testimonial European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences

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