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D360 플랫폼 협력사

Certara D360 Platform Partners

Certara partners with the following organizations to provide comprehensive informatics systems for discovery research:

  • CDD Vault: Smart drug discovery software saves time
    • Out-of-the-box integration between CDD Vault and D360 platform for complete discovery informatics solution in the cloud
  • ChemAxon: Software solutions and services for chemistry & biology
    • Integration between ChemAxon’s industry standard cheminformatics tools, Marvin, JChem and JChem for Office and Certara’s D360 scientific informatics platform
  • Elixir: Transforming the way teams stay connected
    • Integration between D360 and Elixir’s iTrax for chemistry enhances the Design-Make-Test-Analyze cycle allowing incorporation of research data into designs and enhanced query and analysis across new compound designs
  • Optibrium: Creating elegant software that guides successful drug discovery
    • Connectivity between Optibrium’s StarDrop™ platform for small molecule design, optimization and data analysis and Certara’s D360 platform
  • Scilligence: Integrated informatics solutions for life science R&D
    • Out-of-the-box integration between Scilligence RegMol and D360 for a complete discovery informatics solution on premise or cloud
  • Scinamic: Managing data for biotechnology
    • Out-of-the-box integration between Scinamic and D360 platform for complete discovery informatics solution on premise or cloud

어떻게 도와 드릴까요? Contact us to learn more about how our D360 platform can deliver self-service access and efficiencies in your discovery research.

Certara D360 Platform Connections

Certara has connected the D360 platform to a very wide range of data systems and technologies to improve the efficiency of data-driven decision-making. As we deploy the D360 platform to more and more organizations, the list of standard connectors grows and new connectors can be developed quickly for new data systems.

Some examples of D360 platform’s standard and bespoke connectors:

  • Commercial Data Systems:
    • ACAS: ACAS
    • Arxspan Registration
    • Biovia Accord/RS3, ChemReg, Isentris, Assay Explorer
    • Biorails: Biorails ELN
    • CDD Vault: CDD Vault
    • Core Informatics: CoreLIMS
    • Perkin Elmer: Chemical Registration, BioAssay
    • IDBS: ActivityBase
    • Scilligence: RegMol
    • Scinamic: Scinamic
  • Custom Data Systems:
    • Multiple custom data warehouses and data marts at large and mid-sized pharmaceutical companies
  • Chemistry cartridges:
    • Biovia: Accord, Accelrys Direct, Symyx Direct, Direct
    • ChemAxon: JChem (Oracle & Postgres)
    • IDBS: ChemXtra
    • Open Source: Bingo
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