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컨퍼런스 / Pharmacokinetics UK (PKUK) 2024
Pharmacokinetics UK (PKUK) 2024
- SVP, QSP, Piet van der Graaf will kick off the conference at the session “QSP Meets Pharmacometrics,” discussing the latest in Pharmacometrics and Quantitative Systems Pharmacology.
- Paola Coppola, Dir. of Clin Pharm & Translational Medicine, will co-chair a session on Joint Modeling where Antonio Gonçalves, Assoicate Director of Consulting will also present his work on “A Tumor Dynamic Model-Based Framework to Support Early Decisions in Oncology Phase Ib/II Studies.”
- Sr. Research Scientist, Abdallah Derbalah and SVP, R&D, Masoud Jamei will be part of the Poster Quick Fire session, sharing their innovative research on in silico screening tools for tissue-specific oligonucleotide delivery receptors and the impact of dissolution inputs on VBE outcomes in PBPK modeling.
- Sr, Principal Scientist, Khaled Abduljalil, will present during the Breastfeeding, pregnancy and special populations session on “Physiologically-based pharmacokinetics during pregnancy and lactation“