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Alzheimer’s Association International Conference (AAIC®)

Alzheimer’s Association International Conference (AAIC®)

Past Event

Connect with our experts and stop by one of our posters below to discuss how modeling and simulation approaches can be applied to Alzheimer’s Disease R&D.


We are excited to be presenting at this conference

Quantitative Systems Pharmacology Model for Therapies Targeting Aβ and Tau Pathologies in Alzheimer’s Disease

Lin Lin(1), Sarah Minucci(2), Sarah DiBartolo(2), Joshuaine Grant(2), Kumar Kandadi Muralidharan(1), Matthew Hutchison(1), Jessica Collins(1), Amanda Edwards(1), Heike Hering(1), Thierry Bussiere(1), Danielle Graham(1), Fei Hua(2), John Roberts(1)

(1) Biogen
(2)Applied BioMath LLC*
*Applied BioMath was acquired by Certara in December 2023

Towards predicting individual cognitive trajectories in AD using Quantitative Systems Pharmacology

Ivo Schuttel, Shaina Short, Hugo Geerts
Certara-US, Princeton USA

Exploring biological response profiles to amyloid antibodies in clinical practice using Quantitative Systems Pharmacology

Athena Grant, Shaina Short, Hugo Geerts
Certara-US, Princeton USA

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