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Celebrating Certara’s 10th Annual Kraków HTA Symposium

With over 100 attendees, the 10th Annual HTA Symposium, held in Kraków May 20-21, brought together a diverse group of stakeholders, including representatives from the Ministry of Health, the Polish HTA Agency, hospitals, academia, pharmaceutical and medical device companies, consulting firms, and other key players in the healthcare sector.

Pictured: Opening discussion about amendments to the Reimbursement Act with director Mateusz Oczkowski (Polish MoH), prof. Rafał Niżankowski, Michał Byliniak (INFARMA), Bartłomiej Sasin (KRK Legal), prof. Marcin Czech (Institute of Mother and Child) and Dominika Chrabańska (Pelion SA).

The symposium fostered a robust exchange of ideas thanks to these varied perspectives, and provided a dynamic platform for stakeholders to engage in productive discussions, share new ideas, and explore collaborative opportunities. The sessions delved into the latest amendments in reimbursement policies, the evolving landscape of HTA in Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries, and the transformative potential of real-world data and Artificial Intelligence (AI) in healthcare.

This year’s symposium featured seven insightful sessions addressing critical topics related to the health technology assessment (HTA):

  1. Amendments to the Reimbursement Act – Where Are We After 6 Months?
  2. Joint Clinical Assessment & Joint Scientific Consultation (JSC) – A Challenge or a Benefit for Central and Eastern European Countries?
  3. Reimbursement of Medical Devices in Poland – Are We Facing a Revolution?
  4. Real-World Data – Accelerator of the Registration and Reimbursement Process in the EU
  5. An Alternative Approach to QALYs – Reimbursement Support for Orphan Drugs
  6. A New Era in the Treatment of Obesity – A Disease of Civilization in Poland and around the World
  7. Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Health Technologies

The Certara team extends a special thank you to the symposium’s participants, speakers and organizers for making the event a resounding success. We look forward to seeing you at future gatherings and continuing our important work together.

If you’re interested in accessing any of the presentations shared during the 10th Annual HTA Syposium, please contact Malwina Holownia (malwina.holownia@certara.com).

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